среда, 31 января 2018 г.

Greydog - Midlife Crisis

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 1999
Time: 41:59
Size: 96,2 MB
Label: Babyboomer Records
Styles: Classic Rock/Blues Rock
Art: Front

Tracks Listing:
 1. It Ain't Easy Being Me - 3:36
 2. Carry on - 3:56
 3. Freefall - 3:28
 4. Gimme Gimme Lovin' - 4:24
 5. The Harder You Fall - 3:07
 6. One More Little Demon - 5:53
 7. Midlife Crisis - 4:17
 8. Old Grey Dog - 4:15
 9. Ridin' on This Train - 4:58
10. Starting Over - 3:58

A unique mix of classic rock with a blues attitude/Greydog is made up of former capitol staff songwriters, Bob Seger and Strawberry alarmclock band members.
If you're hungry for original rock with a 60's and 70's flavor, this disc is for you.

Midlife Crisis

среда, 24 января 2018 г.

Rick Springfield - The Snake King

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 2018
Time: 53:34
Size: 123,0 MB
Label:Frontiers Records
Styles: Rock/Blues
Art: Front

Tracks Listing:
 1. In the Land of the Blind -  4:51
 2. The Devil That You Know -  3:02
 3. Little Demon (Parts 1 And 2) -  5:21
 4. Judas Tree -  3:21
 5. Jesus Was an Atheist -  3:14
 6. The Snake King -  3:46
 7. God Don't Care -  4:59
 8. The Voodoo House -  4:45
 9. Suicide Manifesto -  2:18
10. Blues for the Disillusioned -  5:40
11. Santa Is an Anagram -  2:05
12. Orpheus In The Underworld - 10:07

The Snake King is the brand new album from Rick Springfield and finds Rick traveling down a dusty dirt road exploring the blues!

The Snake King

вторник, 23 января 2018 г.

Vince Vallicelli Band - New Blues

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 2004
Time: 54:11
Size: 124,5 MB
Label: NLM
Styles: Jazzy Blues
Art: Full

Tracks Listing:
 1. New Blues - 4:38
 2. Watermelon Man - 8:27
 3. Night Train - 7:47
 4. Whisky And Women - 9:41
 5. I Got the Feeling - 6:59
 6. Lowrider on the Boulevard - 8:59
 7. Are Are - 7:37

ENZO VALLICELLI in arte "VINCE" nasce a Forlì nel 1951; il suo percorso musicale inizia all'età di quindici anni, quando l'attenzione per il ritmo lo distoglie da ogni altro interesse, ed è così forte da fargli intraprendere una ricerca ed uno studio approfondito. Decide di iscriversi al conservatorio di Pesaro "Gioacchino Rossini", frequentando il corso di percussioni, e presto scaturiscono in lui il desiderio e l'impulso di comunicare attraverso il linguaggio ritmico, formando così il suo primo gruppo; il "SECOLO 2000" continuando a suonare la batteria come autodidatta. Le sue esperienze si moltiplicano e si intrecciano al punto da trasformare una grande passione in una vera e propria professione e in uno stile di vita.
Nel 1972 l'incontro con Elio D'Anna, Corrado e Danilo Rustici lo porta direttamente a Londra dove incidono al Trident Studio's un LP firmato "UNO", seguito da una lunga tuornèe in Italia. Questa esperienza rappresenta la prima tappa importante della sua carriera musicale, e si comincia a delineare un profilo artistico caratterizzato da una forte personalità, un temperamento estroverso e trainante, capace di coinvolgere musicisti dotati di grande feeling. Viene considerato in gergo tecnico "Motore Inarrestabile", anche se nelle sue performance non mancano accenti di creatività, e si accredita un riconoscimento nell'Enciclopedia Italiana del Rock ( Arcana Editrice ). La sua attività prosegue successivamente dal 1980 al 1984 nelle tournèe di cantautori italiani ( Nannini, Finardi, Bertoli, Solfrini ) e fra le pareti ovattate delle sale d'incisione. Ma l'ambiente che più gli si addice è il palcoscenico, il contatto diretto con il pubblico dei clubs e dei festivals che riesce a percepire l'energia e le emozioni sprigionate da un concerto. Guidato da uno spirito intraprendente continua ad esplorare nuovi temi e nuovi linguaggi musicali ( Jazz-Swing-Blues-Zaydeco ) al fianco di musicisti di talento che lo portano a raffinare la sua tecnica virtuosa e a personalizzare il suo stile, ma l'incontro determinante avviene nel 1988 con l'armonicista Andy J. Forest che gli fa da Cicerone sulla strada del Blues. Insieme per tre anni fanno molti concerti ed incidono due CD: "Grooverockbluesfunk'roll" e "Shuffle City" (live at Montreux Jazz Festival 1989). Il panorama musicale si allarga, ma la strada da seguire è sempre una sola; le dodici battute non richiedono più una tecnica straordinaria e dirompente, ma l'equilibrio fra questa e lo stato d'animo con cui si emette ogni colpo di bacchetta o di spazzola ovvero il "Groove". Continuano gli innumerevoli concerti live al fianco di cantanti che spaziano tra il Soul, il Blues, il Rhytm & Blues, come Shirley King ( figlia di B.B.King ) , Karen e Jeanne Carrol, Angela Brown, Zora Young, Cheryl Porter, Ginger Brew, Crystal White, Kay Foster Jackson,Harriet Lewis.
Tre anni di attività con la Rudy Rotta Band (1990-1993) lo portano sulla scena europea del blues, ottenendo ottimi apprezzamenti e permettendogli di suonare con personaggi del calibro di: Luther Allison (purtroppo scomparso recentemente), Sugar Blue (Rolling Stones, Frank Zappa), Lovie Lee (pianista di Muddy Waters), Carey Bell (armonicista di Muddy Waters), Billy Gregory (It's a beatiful day). A questo punto della sua esperienza Vince decide di formare una propria Band, la "Vince Vallicelli Band" per non essere solo un batterista, ma un musicista, protagonista della propria espressione musicale e del proprio stile. Dopo un ritorno dagli States, e più precisamente Austin (Texas) e New Orleans (Louisiana) ecco apparire sul mercato due CD eccellenti: "Chicken Gumbo" col chitarrista americano Billy Gregory, e "Tot loh doon Faruyè" col cantante saxofonista James Thompson. Recentemente è uscito "New Blues", prodotto da G.G. King fondatore della NLM Records. Un percorso di tante bacchette spezzate e pelli consumate, un collage di esperienze più o meno facili, l'intenzione di proseguire il percorso come leader, Vince lo dimostra proponendo una Band tra le più qualificate della sfera Blues italiana.
E' stato inoltre premiato come miglior batterista blues italiano nel sondaggio fatto da www.bluesandblues.it nel 2002.
Vince è endorser dei piatti UFIP, delle batterie TAMBURO, dei rullanti GEMINIANI e STROMBERG, e delle bacchette ROLL, ed è spesso seguito dalle principali testate del settore musicale con recensioni articoli e interviste.

New Blues

понедельник, 22 января 2018 г.

Sean Webster - If Only

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 2005
Time: 44:58
Size: 103,2 MB
Label: Blues Matters Records
Styles: Blues
Art: Front

Tracks Listing:
 1. Hero - 3:50
 2. Mama - 4:35
 3. Hurting So Bad - 3:44
 4. Been Lonely Too Long - 3:44
 5. Missing You - 4:04
 6. The One - 3:00
 7. So Rare - 6:40
 8. Since We've Been Over - 3:40
 9. Music - 5:00
10. Lie To Me - 6:36

Sean Webster is een inspirerende gitarist en zanger met een grote reputatie in de Britse blues en bluesrock scene. Sinds de oprichting van zijn eigen band in 2003 is het wel een komen en gaan geweest van muzikanten. In 2004 bracht Sean zijn debuut album ‘Coming Long Time’ uit. Het album werd vooral in de UK heel goed onthaald en dat opende de deuren voor een platencontract. Het voorname Britse muziek magazine Blues Matters omschreef ‘Coming Long Time’ als een echte parel.Vooral het fijne gitaarwerk van Sean, dat een combinatie is van vele invloedrijke gitaristen werd bejubeld. De muzikale invloeden komen vooral van Mark Knopfler, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton en Albert Collins. Nog een andere troef is het sexy, laag en rijk stem geluid van Webster. In 2005 deed de band veel optredens in de UK en stond de band ook op het hoofdpodium van verschillende grote Britse festivals zoals het R & B Festival in Colne, het Burnley Festival en Maryport Festival. In 2005 verscheen dan het tweede album van Sean dat als titel ‘If Only’ meekreeg. Met dit meer op blues gericht album bereikte Webster een breder en jonger publiek, wat hem nog populairder maakte. Tony Edser, redacteur van het officiele Eric Clapton tijdschrift, Where’s Eric, schreef in dat tijdschrift dat Sean Webster de man was om in het oog te houden. Er was dat jaar ook het gerucht dat Sean als gitarist mee zou mogen op tournee in de Eric Clapton Band. Spijtig voor Webster werd Robert Cray verkozen en werd hij tweede keus. Sean Webster tourde nadien nog veelvuldig in Amerika en Europa en er volgden nog een paar albums zoals de dubbele cd ‘Live & In Session’ en ‘The First 10 Years’. Daarna trok Sean met zijn gezin voor enkele jaren naar Australie, om daarna terug te keren naar het Verenigd koninkrijk om zich volledig toe te leggen op zijn muzikale carriere.

If Only

четверг, 4 января 2018 г.

Blue Attitude - Paperback

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 2017
Time: 44:19
Size: 101,8 MB
Label: Self Released
Styles: Blues/Blues Rock
Art: Front

 1. Deep Down In Me - 4:02
 2. Ghost Town - 4:02
 3. Man in the Moon - 3:41
 4. Counting Hours - 3:52
 5. 99 Degrees - 3:54
 6. Paperback - 4:45
 7. Take It Easy on Me - 4:11
 8. Fool for You - 2:58
 9. Armed Angels - 4:07
10. The Bullet - 3:46
11. Lift Me up - 2:21
12. Just A Touch - 2:32

Blues, blues based rock, and ballads featuring a female vocalist with strong lyrical content and complimentary lead guitar.
Album Notes
Christiane and I have been writing music together since 2015 and bring out the best in each other. Our music is a little different from the typical blues and blues rock you may be used to hearing, lyrically it is much stronger than your typical blues lyric.
Some of the comments we have received for our music :
"Beautiful compositions with wonderful guitar playing by Dave Bell. The sultry voice of Chris Spruit completes everything, a nice album to get through these dark days."
"Love the interaction, musically between the guitar craftsmanship (well done Dave!) and Chris (again: what a voice!).. I enjoyed that 'dialog' that's sometimes in the instruments (and licks) and the other time in the 'singing'. Very, very well done, respect! Mar T."
"I love the expression you two achieved on this, just the right sound, guitars and vocals are fabulous!"
"Smoking and very powerful !!! Killer job Chris !!! Love your guitar on this Dave !!!"
"Wow! This one is great!! Both of you are more powerful than ever. Your emotion touches my soul!"
"...and up go the goosebumps ... mesmerizing guitar ... and, Chris. your voice goes up and down my spine <3"
"Another cool collab from ya'll! Super tasty playing, Dave. And yeah, Chris' outro vamping was sweet!"


John Verity - Blue to my Soul

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 2017
Time: 46:08
Size: 108,1 MB
Label: Time Blues
Styles: Blues/Blues Rock
Art: Full

Tracks Listing:
 1. Such A Feeling - 5:22
 2. This Old Dog - 4:03
 3. Blues In Heaven - 5:05
 4. The Blues Is My Business - 4:24
 5. Never Gonna Change - 4:06
 6. Alabama Blues - 2:52
 7. Say The Word - 3:53
 8. Wasted Years - 4:59
 9. A Better Way - 6:03
10. Hold Your Head Up - 5:16

'Blue to my Soul' is JV's 20th album since the 'Argent' days and finds John once again in the company of some great musicians, continuing along his chosen path of blues flavoured originals and covers. As ever, the music is powerful yet soulful, mixing UK style guitar blues influences with strong choruses, and lyrics bound to make you smile and perhaps even make you cry... 'Blue to my Soul' comprises six JV originals together with four covers, three of which are already in the JV Band live set, plus an acoustic version of Alabama Blues, featuring Max Milligan on guitar.
The rest of the album features: Steve Rodford or Liam James Gray on drums. Bob Skeat, Roger Inniss, John Gordon or Jamie Mallender on bass. Jamie Pipe, Bob Fridzema, or Ian Gibbons on keyboards. Bianca Kinane or Jayne Tretton on background vocals. The CD is recorded, mixed and mastered entirely at 101 Recorders, Cardington UK.

Blue to my Soul

Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - Black Coffee

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 2018
Time: 44:20
Size: 101,9 MB
Label:J&R Adventures
Styles: Blues/Blues Rock
Art: Front

 1. Give It Everything You Got - 4:37
 2. Dam Your Eyes - 4:31
 3. Black Coffee - 4:12
 4. Lullaby of the Leaves - 5:41
 5. Why Don't You do Right - 4:34
 6. Saved - 3:47
 7. Sitting on Top of the World - 3:55
 8. Joy - 4:21
 9. Soul on Fire - 5:00
10. Addicted - 3:38

She is an edgy, no-holds-barred soul singer from Los Angeles California, and he is a top-notch shredding blues guitarist from Upstate New York. Together, Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa are a powerful duo and one of the best in blues-rock music.
Beth Hart fell in love with music at the young age of 4 and has been unstoppable ever since. The Grammy nominated singer-songwriter has been blowing people away with her sultry blues, vocal genius, and passionate performances for over two decades now, performing everywhere from Tennessee to Europe. To date, Hart has released 10 studio albums, and her most recent release, Fire on the Floor, lit a fire in the hearts of her European fans late last year and is warming the hearts of her stateside fans as well! Now, she and Joe are looking forward to releasing a third studio album together as a duo.
The pair met back in 2010 when all-star producer Kevin Shirley urged them to combine their immensely talented forces. Not long after, they released their first all-covers album “Don’t Explain” in 2011, because, Hart jokes “Joe asked me to.” The album received a lot of praise as “one of the best rock albums of the year” and quickly reached the number 3 spot on Billboard’s Blues Chart. This collaboration was so successful that they decided to record another album in 2013 entitled Seesaw which was nominated for a Grammy Award. They are now poised to release their third studio album Black Coffee in 2018.

Black Coffee

Tinsley Ellis - Winning Hand

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 2018
Time: 48:39
Size: 112,4 MB
Label: Alligator Records
Styles: Blues/Blues Rock
Art: Front

Tracks Listing:
 1. Sound of a Broken Man - 4:51
 2. Nothing But Fine - 3:52
 3. Gamblin' Man - 5:59
 4. I Got Mine - 4:14
 5. Kiss This World - 3:55
 6. Autumn Run - 6:12
 7. Satisfied - 2:48
 8. Don't Turn off the Light - 4:41
 9. Dixie Lullaby - 3:15
10. Saving Grace - 8:48

Alligator Records has set a January 12, 2018 release date for Winning Hand, the powerful new album from Southern blues-rock guitar wizard, vocalist and songwriter Tinsley Ellis.
Recorded in Nashville and produced by Ellis and keyboardist Kevin McKendree, the ten brilliantly performed, fervently sung tracks on Winning Hand include nine originals, ranging from blistering blues to heart-pounding rock to soulful ballads. “Guitar, guitar, guitar is what this album is all about,” says Ellis, who recorded primarily with his 1959 Fender Stratocaster, his 1967 Gibson ES 345 and his 1973 Les Paul Deluxe. Guitar World says, “Ellis’ playing sparkles with depth and subtlety. Whether playing deep, slow blues or uptempo rockers, Ellis rides a gorgeously fat, pure tone.”
Since his Alligator debut 30 years ago, Tinsley Ellis has become a bona fide worldwide guitar hero. The Chicago Sun-Times says, “It’s hard to overstate the raw power of his music.” Armed with his signature molten licks, melodic riffs and rousing, intense solos, Ellis, as his legions of fans will attest, is among the blues world’s best loved, hardest working and most well-travelled statesmen. He has performed in all 50 United States as well as in Canada, Western and Eastern Europe, Australia and South America, earning legions of fans with his guitar virtuosity, passionate vocals and memorable original songs. Ellis is also revered as a guitarist’s guitarist, with famous friends including Derek Trucks, Warren Haynes, Oliver Wood, Jonny Lang and members of Widespread Panic calling on him to sit in and jam. “A musician never got famous staying home,” he says.
Born in Atlanta in 1957, Ellis was raised in southern Florida. He found the blues through the back door of British Invasion bands like The Yardbirds, The Animals, Cream, The Rolling Stones and Southern rockers like The Allman Brothers. As he discovered the roots of these bands, he attended shows by B.B. King, Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters and every other blues artist who came through town.
Already an accomplished teenaged musician, Ellis returned to Atlanta and started playing with local bands. In 1981, along with veteran blues singer and harpist Chicago Bob Nelson, Tinsley formed The Heartfixers, a group that would become Atlanta’s top-drawing blues band. After cutting three Heartfixers albums for the Landslide label, Ellis was ready to head out on his own.
Georgia Blue, Tinsley’s first Alligator release, hit the unprepared public by surprise in 1988. The Chicago Tribune said, “Tinsley Ellis torches with molten fretwork. Ellis takes classic, Southern blues-rock workouts and jolts them to new life with a torrid ax barrage.” Tinsley’s next four releases — 1989’s Fanning The Flames, 1992’s Trouble Time, 1994’s Storm Warning, and 1997’s Fire It Up — further grew his fan base and his fame. Features and reviews ran inRolling Stone, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, and in many other national and regional publications.
Ellis released an album on Capricorn Records in 2000 and on Telarc in 2002. He returned to Alligator in 2005, releasing Live–Highwayman, which captured the fifth-gear energy of his live shows. He followed it with two more incendiary studio releases, 2007’s Moment Of Truth and 2009’s Speak No Evil. He has since self-released four successful albums on his own Heartfixer label.
Over the course of his career, Ellis has shared stages with Stevie Ray Vaughan, Otis Rush, Willie Dixon, The Allman Brothers, Leon Russell, Son Seals, Koko Taylor, Albert Collins and many others. Whether he’s on stage with his own band or jamming with artists like Buddy Guy, the  Tedeschi Trucks Band, Gov’t Mule or Widespread Panic, he always plays with grit, soul and unbridled passion. Back home on Alligator Records with his new album and a massive live tour in the works, Tinsley Ellis is ready to prove again that whenever he picks up a guitar, he’s playing with a winning hand.

Winning Hand