понедельник, 23 мая 2022 г.

Short Fuse - Free Lunch

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 1992
Time: 53:35 
Size: 123,6 MB 
Label: Cambayá Records 
Styles: Modern Electric Blues/Louisiana Swamp Blues
Art: Full

Tracks Listing:
 1. Boogie Train - 4:50
 2. Keep On Lovin Me - 3:45
 3. Warning You Baby - 3:13
 4. Waiting - 3:36
 5. You Never Had To Cry - 1:57
 6. Home In My Heart - 2:36
 7. I'm So Tired - 6:20
 8. Never Trust A Man - 2:56
 9. My Babe -Live- - 4:12
10. All Your Love (I Miss Loving) - 4:15
11. Learn To Treat Me Better - 3:16
12. Shake Your Hips - 5:40
13. Shame Shame Shame - 3:33
14. Blues Grocery - 3:22

Andrea Curbelo - Guitar, Vocals
Scott Shipman - Guitar, Violin
Mule Boudreaux - Bass, Harmonica
Juan Antonio Otero "Oti" - Drums
Sam Kelly - Drums (7)
Henry Gray - Piano (14)
T-Bone Singleton - Guitar (14)
Ronnie Houston - Drums (14)

Based on our data, Free Lunch by Short Fuse is currently not as popular as other albums at the moment. Released on August 2, 1992, Free Lunch currently has a total of 14 tracks by the label Karonte / Cambaya and it's considered an album, not a single. The album's current copyright is (C) 1992 Nuba Records S. L. / Cambayá, with it's UPC being 887845314512.
Andrea Curbelo is a blues guitarist and vocalist. With Short Fuse (Louisiana (USA) & Europe, 1988 - 2010), now in Uruguay with their new band: Andrea Curbelo & The Evolution Band. The greats of the blues world passed through Short Fuse. Pianist and vocalist Henry Gray (ex Howlin Wolf, Willie Dixon, Bo Diddley, Jimmy Reed...). Also in attendance was young virtuoso pianist Johnny Dike, a Dutchman, currently with Dolly Parton. And also Clarence Edwards, Baron Keith Webb.

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