пятница, 7 июля 2023 г.

Kolker - Standing on a Wire

Bitrate: 320K/s
Year: 2015
Time: 45:37 
Size: 105,0 MB 
Label: 2015 Independet
Styles:  East Coast Blues
Art: Front 

Tracks Listing:
 1. Change - 6:00
 2. Cry Cry Cry - 3:12
 3. Standing on a Wire - 6:09
 4. King of Everything - 5:04
 5. I'm Trying - 3:54
 6. Drink Tonight - 6:38
 7. So Lonely - 4:06
 8. Prison Love - 3:02
 9. Miss Misery - 3:15
10. Howl - 4:13

Songdata.io Album Analysis: 
Based on our data, Standing on a Wire by Kolker is currently not as popular as other albums at the moment. Released on 8/20/2015, Standing on a Wire currently has a total of 10 tracks by the label Independent and it's considered an album, not a single. The album's current copyright is 2015 Independent/

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