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суббота, 22 марта 2025 г.

The Terry Whalen Band - Two Steps Forward

Size:49,6 MB 
Label:Many Lives Music Publishers 
Styles:Blues/Rockin Blues/Electric Blues  

Tracks Listing:
 1. When the Wheels Hit the Ground - 3:31
 2. Robert Johnson Came to Town - 4:40
 3. Sober State of Mind - 3:36
 4. Scratch - 3:34
 5. Workhorse - 3:00
 6. Blues Gets in Your Blood - 3:07

It's the  fifth CD from the hard-drivin' Terry Whalen Band, called Two Steps Forward. Whalen and the group always crank it up and deliver a powerful show, and that's happening on the new disc as well.
You have out-and-out thunder numbers, such as opener Wheels Hit The Ground, all muscle and guitar. Then there are story-songs, still with an electric edge, but snuggled into a loping beat, so you can follow the tale, like Robert Johnson Came To Town, what might have happened when the legendary character blew in for a gig. Like all good Johnson fables, the devil of temptation makes an appearance. Blues Gets In Your Blood pretty much says it all, a feel-good, gospel vibe that celebrates the pioneers, and explains why the Whalen Band keeps on doing it.

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